Leverage Attractivate’s complete approach for marketing in today’s informed, connected, and transparent B2B market. Start attracting and captivating all of the people essential to your success and motivating them to take the next step to work with you. . .or for you. . .or to invest in your company. . .or to refer others to you.
If you’ve been thinking. . .
“Our marketing is outdated.”
“We’re spending too much time on marketing and not getting results we want.”
“I don’t know what type of marketing to do.”
“We’re just not resonating with people the way we have in the past.”
“We want to do something more with our company.”
. . . then let’s talk.
I help business owners, marketing executives, and HR professionals speak more authentically about their brands, build on what’s working to develop strategic, audience-driven marketing plans, and measure the value of marketing along a Quadruple Bottom Line.
Bring your marketing conundrum to me! Set up a coaching session today. As your On-Call Marketing Coach, I’m your knowledgeable source for novel and relevant ideas that inspire action.
Let’s help you get to the next level or start something completely new! Contact me so we can explore the best ways I can help you. As an On-Demand Marketing Director, I bring my B2B marketing experience and business know-how to help you get it done.
At the root of everything I do, I am a champion for positive organizations, helping business leaders put their not-just-for-profit mindset into practice. If you'd like to learn more about my work in this area, visit The Positive Business.
“Kelly simply gets the big picture. She makes sure we resonate with our audiences and shares our enthusiasm for improving education.”